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10 Automation Productivity Tools to Help You Work Smarter

Thankfully, there are brilliant developers who created WordPress productivity plugins to make your job easier. There is a long list of automation productivity tools for WordPress designed to simplify web design tasks, but we’ve outlined 10 WordPress productivity plugins for you.

Some Automation Productivity Tools Worth Considering:

A major productivity killer is ineffective communication. Slack solves the challenges of communicating with several team members from different parts of the world. This tool allows you to work on a project as a team on your desktop or mobile screens. Every team member can see what is going on and each member can send and receive all kinds of files in one place. 

With the Slack WordPress plugin, team members can be notified when a post is published, when a post needs review, or when a comment is posted. Imagine the time you can save if you don’t need to check your blog post everyday for comments or activities.

2.  Faster Image Insert

Images escalate the quality of a web design but uploading them in WordPress is time-consuming. This plugin will hasten the upload of pictures as the name implies. When you have this plugin, you can easily upload images from a meta box located below your text input location. You can edit several images at once instead of doing it one image at a time.

3.  Gravitate Automated Tester

This is one of the productivity tools a web designer needs. You can use the plugin for easier PHP and JS code checking. Checking for PHP errors, gravity forms honeypot, HTML validity, JS errors are all automated for you by this plugin. All you have to do is to enable these pre-installed tests.

4.  Social Media Autopublish

Your role as a blog or website owner doesn’t end in designing and creating contents for your website. You have to make sure that it reaches your audience too. One way to do this is to publish contents on social media.

Social Media Autopublish saves you time from sharing your content on different social media platforms every time you create a new blog post. This plugin allows you to automatically publish articles with images on Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin based on your pre-defined settings.

5.  CoSchedule

CoSchedule is the first editorial calendar that can be integrated with WordPress. This tool allows you to organize all your content marketing tasks in one place. Its features include marketing calendars, social media scheduling, social media analytics, and workflow management. You can set up your short term and long term schedules and you can easily scan them in a bird’s eye view. The calendar has a drag and drop feature so you can easily fill up the dates with your tasks.

6.  CMS Page Tree View

This is a must for your web design agency especially if you are dealing with content heavy websites. In will save you a lot of time in managing your different pages. CMS Page Tree View arranges your pages in an organized tree view. You can easily rearrange, edit, view, and search your pages so you won’t have to go back-and-forth from one page to another.


This WP plugin saves you time from manually resizing your images for your website. It compresses and optimizes all the multimedia you upload on your website automatically through Yahoo’s application. Web sites that are mostly graphic definitely need this tool.

8. UpDraft Plus

Fixing a hacked or crashed website will not only consume a massive amount of your time but it is also intellectually and emotionally exhausting. Imagine how you would feel if you needed to fix all the design and contents you had worked so hard to put together; yeah—doesn’t give you such warm and fuzzy feelings. Though you can stop that from happening by using the UpDraft Plus backup plugin. This plugin provides complete backup for your website files based on your pre-set schedule.


Another awesome automation tool that can let you get more done in less time is IFTTT, which stands for “IF This, Then That.” Launched in 2010, IFTTT is a web-based application that can also be run on Android and iOS. Hundreds of software, services, platforms, and web applications can be used with IFTTT. Indeed, IFTTT makes it easy for users to automate workflows and even daily tasks and chores.

IFTTT uses applets that you can use to integrate a wide variety of services. These applets enable you to create chains of conditional statements by setting up triggers (This) and actions (That). For instance, IF you publish a new blog post (This) on WordPress, then Twitter automatically tweets about it (That). With IFTTT, all you need to do is think of a workflow that can help you make life easier, and you can set up a “recipe” to automate that task.

10. Pabbly Connect

Pabbly Connect is not a WordPress plugin but powerful software that lets you transfer data and create integrations among any of the applications out there. Using this handy tool, you can create automation to carry out all your repetitive and boring tasks which otherwise may consume a lot of your valuable time and effort. One startling aspect of this application is that it allows you to create unlimited workflows and provides all its features like unlimited multi-step calls, path routers, limitless integration of premium apps, etc in the basic plan itself.

Further, you can set instant triggers to initiate the workflow, use formatters to convert the data which comes in different formats from multiple applications into a single uniform format. Besides, you can also use filters to apply conditions to import only specific data, use path routers to create conditions, and to do a lot more to create smart and proficient automation.


There are overflowing tasks you need to do for your own or your client’s website. But it doesn’t need to be so difficult and time-consuming because there are automation and productivity tools made to make your work faster and easier. Use the tools mentioned above to enhance your productivity and reach your website goals faster.

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Kimmy Maclang

Kimmy Maclang

Kimmy Maclang is a Content Marketing Writer that helps businesses improve their online presence and increase Google rankings. When she’s not writing, she spends time outdoors with her dogs or crochets. Her love for the arts and crafts led her to creating an e-commerce site for crochet and knitting supplies. Check out her newly launched website at


  1. I agree that we are often worried if it is possible to get away

  2. Nice post

  3. I agree with you that automation and productivity tools are essential for anyone who wants to optimize their work and save time and energy. They can help us streamline our workflows, improve our efficiency, and enhance our quality. They can also free up our time and resources for more creative and strategic tasks. They are truly a game-changer in today’s competitive and dynamic world.

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