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Meet Jupiter X v1.0.3! Blog, Menu and Popup Mega Features Are Added!

Is everyone back from the holidays? If you’re back at work like us, I’m going to kick off your year with great news about Jupiter X WordPress theme.

Just in the last days of 2018 when you’re preparing for your new year celebrations, our team was hard at work to deliver the last Jupiter X update release in 2018: Jupiter X v1.0.3.

Let’s see what’s important about it!

Jupiter X v1.0.3 introduces various improvements, additions, and fixes. You can see the detailed update log here, but I’m going to give you a glimpse of the most important feature added in this version:

  • Jet Menu
  • Jet Blog
  • Jet Popup

As you can guess from names, these features are related to menu, blog, and popup. But let’s have a closer look at each to better understand their capabilities.

Build professional blogs with JetBlog

JetBlog is a plugin that allows you to display Blog posts with different layouts using different dynamic modules such as Smart Tiles, Text Tickers, Video Playlists, Smart Posts List.

All these modules can be added on the page built with Elementor (so make sure Elementor plugin is installed).

Using JetBlog, you can:

  • Stylize the content appearance to match the general webpage style
  • Customize the module backgrounds, layouts, and responsiveness
  • Add borders
  • Apply shadows
  • Change typography
  • And more

There are many other options to discover for each of the content modules. Let’s describe every module for more information.

Smart Posts List

Smart Posts List widget displays your posts in the form of neat content blocks. You can change the listing max-width, featured post position, and image size. You can also stylize post excerpts and meta information without ever touching a single line of code.

Smart Post Tiles

Smart Post Tiles widget allows you to add posts to the website’s page in the form of an eye-catching tiles block. It has different style settings, allowing you to add a gap between boxes, create box overlays, and change the content appearance and meta information. It also has six pre-built layouts that will help you showcase your posts in a totally advantageous way.

Text Ticker

Text Ticker widget adds a captivating ticker content module to your website’s page while displaying the recent and most important post titles in order to engage more visitors to read the recent publications.

Video Playlist

Video Playlist widget allows you to add a video playlist to the web page. It’s very helpful if you want to showcase the videos in a stylish way. There are settings that allow changing the style of the thumbnails and scrollbar, as well as the thumbnail numbers or typography.

JetBlog feature will come in very handy for those who want to create a professional-looking blog and news websites. Jet Blog alone gives Jupiter X the capability of a newspaper theme! You can find more information about the JetBlog plugin in their documentation.

Customize your menus with JetMenu

JetMenu is another plugin that lets you create and style up your mega menu. You’ll be able to create content for the menu items and customize its appearance, add menu badges and icons, and change the menu item background.

The plugin works with the Elementor page builder, allowing you to add content to menu items in a drag-and-drop way. You’ll also get Vertical Mega Menu and Mega Menu widgets for Elementor, which lets you add a menu to any page section.

There are also Import and Export settings that allow you to export the JetMenu settings and use them on another site. You should note that in creating a mega menu, you will use the Elementor page builder, and the mega menu will be displayed instead of the submenu items. The default submenu will be disabled as it will be replaced by the Mega Menu content. In effect, you’ll be able to add any Elementor widget to your submenu and create any content you want.

JetMenu is a powerful plugin to customize your menus. Those who run heavy-duty websites with lots of content or e-commerce websites with a lot of product to showcase always make use of menus with rich content. More information about JetMenu plugin can be found in their documentation.

Build effective popups with JetPopup

JetPopup is an add-on for the Elementor page builder. It facilitates the addition of popups to the pages built with Elementor. With JetPopup you’ll be able to create new popups using all widgets available in Elementor. Also, it allows you to add popups to different widgets and its content, set the specific popup triggers, and choose the time when the popup appears on the page.

Preset Popup layouts

Another useful option is to select a preset layout. JetPopup plugin provides a variety of default presets that can help in creating popups with specific layouts:

Popup action button

There is also a Popup Action Button widget in Elementor page editor that allows you to create buttons that add Yes/No action to popup templates.

There are different actions you can choose from:

  • Leave Page
  • Close Popup
  • Link
  • Close Constantly

Usually, such buttons are added below the text blocks with questions like, “Are you sure you want to leave this page?”

Preset Popup Templates

What’s great in JetPopup plugin is you can use pre-designed popups from the Popup Library. You can import them and edit according to your needs with Elementor page builder, in the same way, you edit any other page.

There are a lot of other great features of JetPopup plugin like Mailchimp Form Integration, popup templates Export and Import, and Attaching Popups to any widget in Elementor (when you click on a widget or its button, a popup will appear).

JetPopup is most useful for websites that are designed to generate leads or sell products or services. With popups, you’ll facilitate the conversion process and make your website marketer happy! You can investigate other options deeply by reading the JetPopup documentation.

What’s next?

Well, a lot! There’s a lot happening in Artbees labs and more and more features are going to be added to Jupiter X very soon. Expect many brand new templates are going to be added in 2019. In fact, I’d like to share the insider tip that we are aiming to hit 300 templates count in 2019. So Stay tuned for a year packed with improvements, features, and templates and let us know what you think about the Jupiter X v1.0.3 in the comments.😉

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Tatyana Hutsol

Tatyana Hutsol

Tatyana is a cherished member of the Artbees Support Team and has a close familiarity and expertise with WordPress Themes. First starting her career in hosting support services, since then Tatyana has been working with creation and functionality in WordPress platforms and themes.

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