Memoirs of a Tech Company: 2015’s Worst Mistakes

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Right around the time New Year’s Eve rolls around, teams led by their management in companies all over the world generally come together to write goals and resolutions for the upcoming year. They discuss next steps to take, targets to hit and how they can be even better! Oftentimes though this ritual can inadvertently allow teams to skip over the failures and mistakes of the past year lest they compromise their enthusiasm to get a fresh start.

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6 ways WordPress Theme Updates Can Dramatically Improve Website User Interface

WordPress theme Updates are usually known to only offer technical improvements and back-end additions. Though there are some WordPress updates which address visual deficiencies, add website user interface trends and elements or increase the customizability of an existing component by more and possibly newer options. Many WordPress theme updates are missioned to introduce new templates that cover a wider range of niches and many are simply technical back-end improvements. So just how did we decide to improve the Jupiter user interface and what strategy did we use to create our plan of attack?

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How Our WP Theme Was Reborn: A Success Story of Leveraging Modular Architecture In WordPress

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As we celebrate final stages of development for the Jupiter V5.0, we are excited to reveal more of what has happened in the core team all the way from the beginning up to the few days before we announce the long-awaited public beta. In the first article ‘The Curious Case of Updating Large WordPress Themes’ which began examining the development of the Jupiter V5, Bob discussed the path we took to conceive the Jupiter V5 as a major update to our popular WordPress theme Jupiter. Additionally he elaborated on the problems it could address, why it’s important to the product and its community of users and the challenges we could expect during the way.

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A Virtual Summit Expert Talks About How To Run Event Websites With WordPress

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Online events are nothing new to us, and they come in many different forms. We are constantly bombarded by product and service websites featuring online “how to” webinars which detail the key points and advantages of the product. Or there are the online training courses that happen in the form of one-time online sessions. Additionally, one may find that many tech conferences are held up virtually as online events or that independent brands will deliver their service in the form of online events for which people can register and attend.

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The Curious Case of Updating Large WordPress Themes

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The announcement of the next big update for Jupiter WordPress theme is imminent. We cannot wait to launch a product for which we have run one of our most complicated ideation and brainstorming sessions. The resulting proposal was a clear depiction of the current status of our product, its shortcomings, and possible ways to improve it. This post introduces a series of blog posts we wrote to discuss the ideation process, the methods we employed in development of the update and its results.
Starting with a post from our head of development, Bob Ulusoy explains the multiple steps of the ideation process for Jupiter V5 and how it helped to designate the mission objectives. The most important of which was a modular framework that provides a brand new experience of speed, power and extendibility.

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Your Website Template Looks Awful After Customization? See What Experts Say About Website Template Customization To Learn Why!

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If you have bought a WordPress theme, customized it and are not happy with the results – as it seriously looks like a dumb template edited by a non-talented designer – you’re not the only one. And it’s probably got nothing to do with your design skills. It’s more likely the same pitfall that is true for every other template based design that so many users can’t avoid.

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WordPress Is About to Be Reborn. Find Out How the Future of WordPress Is a Game Changer

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We have already entered an age of services in which capitalism is turning services into commodities not products. The tech industry and digital market are also no exception. The software and internet industry have already begun to change their economics to services based businesses. Take free OS upgrades and apps just as an example. But how is it going to affect WordPress as a popular website building solution?

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The Unconventional Guide to Design Website Templates That Actually Work

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Some people call templates “soulless work” which is designed for no-one and everyone. It could be true. But I believe a template is a very special product. It is a semi-ready product. A creation that is yet to be done by someone else. It can save users’ time dramatically if it is made with precautions and guidelines. Or it can end up being a nightmare and waste of time. At Artbees we are dealing with templates almost everyday. It is our job. Here are some insights to design website templates we have gained at Artbees Themes so far.

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Learn How to Nail Small Business Branding With WordPress

Every small business will come to the conclusion at some point that they will need a well-executed rebranding strategy in order to gain voice in the competition and stay in the minds of customers for years. Small business branding encompasses a broad set of techniques. Here we discuss some of the many solutions to achieve an appealing website which is critical for a blooming and growing brand and business.

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