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Artbees Blog


jupiter x performance featured

Tweaks Made to Improve Jupiter X Performance

For developers, time is of the essence when it comes to delivering a project on a tight deadline.
featured image custom block

A Beginner’s Guide to Create a Custom Block for WordPress Gutenberg

Gutenburg, the new WordPress editor, is the future of WordPress. In no time, it’s going to bring a

How to Create a Custom Gutenberg Block Using the ACF Plugin

Due to its popularity – as well as its popularity in the WordPress community – the Advanced Custom

How to Create a Website with Google Sheets for Free

Honestly, I can’t believe my eyes, and I have to share what I just found out with you. 

How to Create a Community Poll Website with Jupiter X – Part 1

Recently, I was about to build an online community where users could create their own polls and share
extend Gutenberg with free blocks

Extend Gutenberg with Free Blocks

Released in late 2018, the WordPress Gutenberg editor is getting more and more popular by the day. By

Two Techniques to Crop Images in CSS

During the past couple of years, CSS has been improved rapidly with many features now possible in pure

Everything You Need to Know about WordPress Development Workflow

It’s no secret that WordPress is the most popular CMS in the world. Due to its popularity, there
Shortcode in WordPress Featured

How to Create a Shortcode in WordPress – Beginner’s Guide

Shortcodes are the swiss knife feature in the WordPress world. They allow you to add dynamic content to

How to Add a Custom Setting Page in WordPress

In the previous post about WordPress custom admin pages, we defined a custom admin page and explained how