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Artbees Blog


Making The Most Of The WordPress Debugging Feature

As I’m sure you’re keenly aware of, building any website will present many bumps, problems, mishaps, and occasional

Tips On Migrating To A New Theme To/From WordPress

At Artbees, our themes are varied and have lots of potential for growth. One of the benefits of

How to Use Inspect Element: Get a sneak peek behind the curtain

In this article, I’ll provide some useful tips about how inspect element can be beneficial for your site.

How to Setup your WordPress Development Environment

“Never work on a live site!” Perhaps you’ve heard this piece of advice before. Editing websites that are

Tips on Integrating Disqus with Jupiter

Since I’m redesigning my website and planning to relaunch my business as a full-service content marketing agency, I’ve

Getting Creative with Font Icons & Custom Fonts in Jupiter

Custom fonts and font icons are great ways to improve your website design and highlight parts of your

How to Create an Effective Pricing Table for your WP Website with Jupiter

When you’re shopping for a smartphone, let’s say, you look at a few devices and compare them to

How to Post a Video on Your WordPress Website: Embedding vs. Self Hosting

Now an increasing number of websites are including videos as a way of establishing a more effective and

How to Fix the Custom Menu Items Limit in WordPress

Creating a dynamic and organized main menu on your WordPress website serves many crucial purposes for your company.

Tips on using the Client Shortcode in Jupiter WordPress

When someone visits your website, you definitely want to create trust so that the visitor has the confidence